We rely on the support of individual contributors to ensure that Bridgman|Packer Dance continues to create, perform and thrive. Contributions help to cover the cost of rehearsals, video production, costumes, set construction, sound score, lighting design, and administrative fees.
Please consider a donation of any amount. Contributions are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated!
Click the link below to donate online.
To donate by mail, please make your check payable to: "Foundation for Independent Artists, Inc.", earmarked for "Bridgman|Packer Dance". Please mail your tax-deductible contribution to: Foundation for Independent Artists, c/o Bridgman|Packer Dance, 3 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn NY 11217.
Special perks for your contribution:
- $200: 2 tickets to any Bridgman|Packer Dance performance.
- $250: 2 tickets to any Bridgman|Packer Dance performance and a backstage tour.
- $500: 4 tickets to any Bridgman|Packer Dance performance and a backstage tour.
- $1000 and over: 4 tickets to any Bridgman|Packer Dance performance,a back-stage tour, and dinner with the artists.
Thank you for your support.
Bridgman|Packer Dance appears under the auspices of the Foundation for Independent Artists, Inc., a non-profit tax-exempt organization administered by Pentacle/DanceWorks, Inc. Pentacle is a non-profit arts organization which provides administered services to a variety of performing arts groups, 75 Broad Street, Suite 304, New York, NY 10004-2415, 212-278-8111.
- Risa & Hal Aqua
- Jeff & Janis Atkinson
- Steve & Joan Aufrecht
- Geoffrey and Karin Baere
- Mary Bang
- Martha Barylick
- Dr. Lesia Batorfalvy & Staff
- Jan Borene and Alan Mathiowetz
- Ali & Scott Bridgman
- Andy Bridgman
- Bill & Anna Bridgman
- Candy Bridgman
- George Bridgman
- Steve Bridgman
- Adam Brooks and Kerri Kwinter
- Pat Burckhalter
- Marci Burns
- Judith Chaffee
- Ellen Cohen
- Connie L. Coker
- Lindy Cummings
- Ellen Dennis
- Dennis Diamond
- Eugenie Doyle and Sam Burr
- Susan Dratel
- Erica Eigenberg & Steve Itzkowitz
- Katherine & Paul Ellgen
- Sarah Ellgen
- John and Dorothy Evans
- Joan Finkelstein and Alan Kifferstein
- Amy & Mark Frawley
- Peter Fruchtman
- Sylvia Gold
- Mickey Goldberg
- Seth Goldman
- Bob Goodman
- Jane Wyatt Goodwin
- Meryl Green
- Max and Stefanie Hailperin
- Ron Heinrich
- Paula Heitzner
- Joan Hershey
- Judith Brin Ingber
- Klaus Jacob
- Stephen Karp
- Leslie Kielson
- Leslie Koval
- Jody Krizer and Keith Graber
- Judy Kummer
- Shirley Lasker-Fox and Steven Fox
- Phyllis Lamhut
- Myra Lehman
- Andrew Levine
- Margaret Lundquist
- Sharon Luckman and Paul Shapiro
- Amy MacDermott & Ira Schieren
- Denman Maroney & Erin Martin
- Jim Martin
- Sylvia Miller
- Sarama Minoli
- Rachel & Larry Norton
- Anne-Alex & Kevin Packard
- Barbara Pollitt & Rip Hayman
- Natasha Rabin
- Rob Rand
- Gabriel Richards
- Judith Rose
- John Rothman and Susan Bolotin
- Roger and Betty Salomon
- Michael Sand & Lynne Williams
- John Sansone and Barbara Jordan
- Carlota Santana
- Dan and Paula Schiller
- Robert Shannon
- Randi Shebitz
- Kenneth Silvestri
- Diana Simkin
- Becky Stanchfield
- Carrie Steindorf and Keith Cornell
- Robin Steinman
- Katherine Stoessel and Gavin Preuss
- Florence Suerig
- Steve & Elena Taurke-Joseph
- Terri Thai
- Martin Towbin
- Alice Trexler & Downing Cless
- Nathalie van Bockstaele
- Deborah Vines
- Deborah Weaver and Phil Weinberg
- Enid Weishaus
- Tad and Doris White
- Virginia Williamson
- Justine F Woolner Wise
- Kristina Wong
- Corporations
- Mobil/Exxon
- Workman Publishing Co